The "Mask Of Many Faces" give your noble the ability to disguise as another noble. Any action that noble take while in disguise is reported to other players as being perpetrated by the noble who's identity you stole.

How to use the Mask

  1. First equip the mask to the hand slot (weapon slot) and interact with the Noble whose identity you want to steal. After stealing someone’s identity, the identity is on that mask you used,
  2. Once stolen, tap on your Noble again and choose the "Use Mask" option. The mask is automatically equipped to your head slot (helmet slot), releasing your hand slot.  Note: It doesn’t matter if it’s the same Noble you used to steal another's identity or not. If you wish to steal someone's identity with one of your Nobles and assume the stolen identity with another one of your Nobles, all you have to do is to unequip the Mask after stealing the identity from your target and equip it on a Noble of your choice before using it.
  3. Now your Noble will appear to be the Noble whose identity you stole for 24 hours. Once the timer runs out or if you unequipped the mask, the mask will break and you’ll lose the stolen identity. 

WARNING: If you are spotted by the Noble whose identity you stole, or a guard in a room who has trained in "Detect Steal Identity" the mask will break. If you unequip the mask from the head slot it will break. Once the timer runs out, it will break. You can obtain the "Mask of Many Faces" from high level dungeons or the item store.