Bug Fixes

  • PvP battles now correctly show in Global and Alliance chats.
  • The free Dragon Lairs given out on the 29th were not counting towards city power unless you upgraded them, they now do and your city power has been adjusted if you have not upgraded it yet.
  • A bug caused by dragons arriving at a target that no longer exists, causing them or the target city or the source city to get stuck in a bad state.
  • New dragon app icon
  • 40% bigger chat box to make it easier to read and to open
  • Improved dragon art for upcoming events and packs

Dragon Balance

Dragons have had their first balance pass, we have made the following changes:

  • Faster first hits: We have slashed the time they spend between arriving at a target and firing their first shot, and the time after a target is lost / killed and they begin to move to the next. This will make them fire as soon as they arrive and be a lot more responsive in combat.
  • Increased "projectile" speed: The fire they breath moves faster, hitting targets quicker, killing them sooner. This too will make them feel more alive and responsive in combat.
  • Decreased "reload" time: The time between berating fire has been reduced, increasing their DPS. Another change to make them feel more responsive.
  • More HP: Dragon HP has increased by 25% at all levels.

Finally, a dragons combat effectiveness started to fall off as it got down to 25% or less HP, they now remain 100% combat effective down to 1% HP. We will continue to review your feedback and monitor replays and data to make dragons the awesome fighting machines we all deserve to have.

  • Localization has been updated as it had incorrect numbers in some languages for some objectives.