-Melee Unit. They hold the line allowing other troop units to exploit the enemy’s defenses (Higher damage output but can’t do AoE Damage)

-Ignores Walls

-They are good at dealing with large battalions of units 

Note: Swordsmen will prioritize larger troops over the smaller ones, they can also climb over walls and attack troops that are stationed at the watchtowers.



-Melee Unit. They are good at hand-to-hand combat. AoE damage to all nearby enemy Battalions (Lower damage output)

-Ignore Walls

-Horde Breaker (AoE Skill that damages all nearby enemies)

-Gate Crashers (more damage to the gates and the Keep)


Note: They are good for clearing multiple units because of their “Horde Breaker” skill that allows them to deal AoE Damage to nearby enemies. They are also good for breaking gates and destroying the enemy’s keep

Attacking: they are a good substitute if you have no access to battering rams yet.

Defending: They can easily clear enemy battalions that are trying to attack the city





-Long Ranged.

-Excels at Defending Cities

-Rain of Arrows can do AoE Damage to multiple enemies.

-Ignores Walls

-They can deal damage over walls


Attacking: they are good with attacking units that are over the walls or on the watchtowers.

Defending: advantage when defending against melee units that can’t climb over walls.




-Excels at destroying large enemy battalions

-Ignores Walls

-Higher Damage output than the archers but they can’t attack over walls and can’t deal AoE





-Melee Unit

-High Health Mounted Troop

-Ignores Walls and Watchtowers

-Horde Breaker



-Melee Unit

-High Damage Mounted Troop

-Fastest Unit

-They excel at destroying large enemy battalions

-Ignores walls and watchtowers


Note: If a mounted unit is defending an ally, it will not attack enemies if the walls or gates have not yet been destroyed. 





-Long Ranged. Arc Projectiles

-Disadvantage while engaging smaller units (they cannot engage small units due to immense size)

-Can deal damage over walls

-Weak against melee combat

-Has a short delay before attacking

-Will not attack troops

-Will prioritize walls



-Long Ranged.

-Can deal damage over walls

-weak against melee combat

-Has a short delay before attacking

-Will prioritize deployed troops over walls and watchtowers



-Melee range.

-Main use is to destroy gates

-Will not attack battalion units

-Will prioritize destroying gates



-Fastest unit from the machines category

-Can fire over walls

-weak against melee combat

-Has a short delay before attacking

-Will prioritize machines over other units