Release Date: 6/1/2022
App Version: 27.0.3 (Android & iOS)
Please make sure you download the new version from the Store!
Today’s release of server and data is to address some of the bugs and issues you guys have been reporting over the last few days:
  • Duplicate notifications getting sent
  • Trades getting cut short in busy trade posts
  • Noble trait pools overlapping, causing traits outside of their selected role and quality to be applied
  • Mining Capacity research was failing to increase the actual mining capacity of an army
  • Events on new shards were not automatically starting
  • Occasional “Unexpected server error” bug for Temple Keepers
  • Occasional “Unexpected server error” bug for people collecting prizes in events
  • Alliance power was showing as zero for players joining alliances
  • Some translations missing for non-English players
  • Some artwork missing on store bundles
  • 23 other fixes and backend performance improvements in readiness for our global release
We are also re-enabling our chat filter after greatly reducing the quantity of words it has in its database and fixing an error that was causing the wordlists of other languages to apply to English. We will be adding the ability for players to disable it in a future client update. Please let us know if it seems too sensitive or feels about right now that we’ve made these changes.