Data Privacy / Account Deletion
If you wish to permanently delete your account, tap on Settings then Account, and select Delete Account. Deleting an account is permanent an...
Server/Shard Transfer
For Old Players:You can request a move to any shard older than your own, so a lower number or higher letter. If you wish to move to an olde...
Recover your account with Facebook
To recover a lost account that was bound to your Facebook account:Open the Kingdom Maker AppStart going through the tutorial until you reach...
Recover your account with Google Play
To recover a lost account that was bound to your Google Play account:Open the Kingdom Maker AppStart going through the tutorial until you re...
Recover your account with Game Center
To recover a lost account that was bound to your Game Center account:First, make sure you're logged in to the correct Game Center accountOpe...
Moving Your Account To Another Device
To move your account to a new device, or to play on multiple devices (just not at the same time) you first need to link your account with Fa...
Q: Why are you merging us? A: Our goal is to give the best player experience, for that to happen we might need to merge some Realms in ...