Alliance and Team Play
Alliance And Team Play
Alliances are made up of up to 35 players. An alliance has one Leader, one Temple Keeper and some number of managers (depending on how many ...
The Alliance Temple
Every Alliance leader can designate one member as that Alliance's "Temple Keeper". The Temple Keeper can construct the Alliance's Temple ins...
You can send resources to other players via a tribute. Start a tribute by selecting the option in a 1:1 chat with the other person. Tri...
Prestige is a measure of a players activity and helpfulness. You earn prestige for tributes, reinforcing, training troops and a whole bunch ...
Everyone on the same island/realm can chat with everyone else in the 'Global' chat room. If you are a member of an alliance you will also ha...
Chat Translation Feature
Messages in global, alliance and 1:1 chats are translated into the language your phone is set to. Our next update will also introduce a...
Muting Other Players
You can mute another player if you no longer want to receive messages from them or see their posts in Global chat. To do that, you can tap o...
The are two types of power related Leaderboards in the game:Family LeaderboardDisplays individual family ranking based on each player's powe...
My members got kicked out automatically.
Whenever a player is inactive for a period of time they will be removed from the alliance and their city will be removed from the map. If th...
What happens when you were the temple keeper but then were removed from your position?
If the Temple Keeper leaves, gets kicked by the leader, or the Alliance Leader picks a different player for this role, the Temple is removed...
Can the Temple Keeper be nominated to be the alliance leader when the system forces a change in leadership?
The Temple Keeper can become the Leader through the automatic Leadership rotation, ONLY if there is nobody else inside the alliance when the...
What is the cooldown of building a Temple?
Alliance buildings cannot be upgraded or used to cast spells for a given time after placement” (currently 4 hours)
Are there level requirements for Temple Keepers?
Yes. Temple levels 1-19 require a level 8 keep to build, 20-29 require a keep level 16, 30+ requires a keep level 21
How do you delete/erase an Alliance? (How to fully erase an Alliance)
The alliance and its temple are deleted the moment the last member leaves the alliance. There is no way to undo this so ensure you have peop...
How can I rename my alliance?
The alliance leader (and only the leader) can send in a ticket to Customer Support requesting a new alliance name.
How do you improve rapport with someone?
You can help them out when they are in trouble! Reinforce their attack or defense. Sending tributes and accepting proposals also improves yo...
When can we send Tributes? Is there a specific level?
There is no specific level for sending and receiving tributes. The only limit is the available space of the player that will accept the trib...
How does Tribute work?
A sender cannot send more of any resource than they have and a receiver cannot receive more of any resource than what their storage can take...