Your Noble Family
Intro to Nobles
What would a kingdom be without Nobles to rule it?Nobles are each player's characters in the game and together they form your Noble Family! ...
Renaming Your Family Or Nobles
To change your family name, tap on your family crest (top left) and then tap the "edit" icon next to your family name at the top of your pro...
Making Noble Babies
Greet, Charm, Kiss and Boink your Nobles with each other and strangers to make Babies. Babies are all born with similar stats but some have ...
Noble Qualities
Each Noble is born with a specific level of Quality, that dictates how much they can improve each area. The available Quality levels are (fr...
Noble Roles
As soon as a Noble is born, you can assign their Role. This is a requirement for maturing a Noble baby and assigned roles are permanen...
Noble Traits
Nobles can be born with or acquire Traits. These are visible on their profile page and can be both positive or negative. Traits on Noble Bab...
Noble Talents
Each one of your Nobles has a set of Talents, that differs depending on their assigned role. These Talents can be upgraded through the...
Noble XP
To level up Nobles you either need Noble XP or Family XP. Noble XP cannot be tracked as a whole. Each Noble accumulates their own XP a...
Noble Items
Throughout your journey in Kingdom Maker, you can come across lots of different items, that are either cosmetic or can actually help you ach...
How To Get Rid Of A Noble
If you want to get rid of a family member permanently, you can choose to throw them into the Volcano. You will receive Soul Shards as ...
Why am I unable to mature my baby Nobles?
To mature a baby you first need to pick a role and traits. Keep in mind that there are instances when you have the maximum number of No...
How do I get the Family Heirloom Crown?
To get the crown, you’ll need to go through the single-player storyline. After finishing one of the first 2 Chapters of the Story, you’ll ge...
Can I increase inherited traits?
There is no way to increase the inherited traits directly. The more traits the parents have, the more chances of their baby having a high nu...
How to free imprisoned Nobles?
Nobles can only be freed through ransom, using Jailbreak, stealing another Noble's identity (using the Mask of Many Faces). They can also be...
Aside from buying packs, where can we acquire Ranger merits?
Ranger Merits can be found in certain Dungeons, specifically Medium Dungeons (Tier 2) & Separatist Monuments (Tier 4)
How do you check what traits a baby has inherited?
Click your Noble Baby, you’ll see the Inherited traits that they got from their parents. You’ll also see the Baby’s Innate traits that you c...
What are underwear?
The Underwear Noble Equipment improves the chances of conceiving a high Quality baby. The higher quality the Underwear, the better the chanc...