Navigating Maps
Beginner Protection (The Bubble)
All new players start with a 'bubble' that protects them from attack or other player's Nobles entering their Keep.Use this time to build up ...
The State Map
Use the State Map to explore the Realm and move quickly over large distances. Any county your alliance owns the capital of is marked in blue...
Orc Tribes
Orc camps and cities can be found on the County Map. They can be attacked and looted for resources and conquered if you defeat them in battl...
Send Nobles to explore Dungeons and wait for them to return home with any loot they find. When sending Nobles to the dungeons, their level a...
Trade Posts
Summon Nobles to Trade Posts and then enter the Market. Tap on your Noble(s) and task them with Trading either Food, Stone or Wood for Silve...
You will find mines located around the realm. Mines contain Minerals, Ore and Gems which you can extract with your armies. Each mine ha...
City Bonuses & Relocation
Different areas of the map have different bonuses to resource production, training, research speeds, and population growth. If you tap on a ...
Capital Cities
One city per county is designated as that country's capital city. Capital cities can be attacked and conquered like any other city. If your ...