City, Resources & Population
Walls And Gates
Walls are created between any Watch Towers that line up with each other and are not blocked by other buildings. Walls prevent enemy forces f...
Watchtower Doors
Watchtowers can have their doors toggled on or off. When off, you can't garrison units in the tower. When on, you can garrison units but one...
Platforms can be used to garrison most troops, even Machines and Mounted units which cannot be garrisoned in Watch Towers. Any Melee, M...
How Do I Get More Silver?
There are a few ways to get Silver:Silver is collected in tax from your population. Build more and upgrade existing Housing to increase your...
Can I Get More Gold?
Everyone starts with the gold left to them by their parents before the Orcs attacked their city. Additional gold can be found in Daily Goals...
Food, Stone, and Wood
Build and upgrade your Farm, Stone Mason, and Sawmill to increase both your capacity and production rate for Food, Stone and Wood. ...
Population Explained
As your city grows, so does its population of peasants. You can tap this to find out how many are idle and the rate your population is growi...
Keeping Your Population Happy
A city with a high morale will be more productive. The Farm, Sawmill and Stonemason will produce quicker, troops will work harder when ...
How does tax distribution work?
Tax is collected in silver, from every trade made in the county where each capital is. If you wish to see the payout timer and amount you ca...
Realm Merging FAQ
Q: Why are you merging us? A: Our goal is to give the best player experience, for that to happen we might need to merge some Realms in ...
What is the Keep Fund pack?
Upon purchasing the chest it contains 10 Tokens to redeem 10 Keep Fund chests and they start at Keep levels 6, 9, 11, 14, 17,19, 21, 23, 25,...