Release Date: 7/13/2022
App Version: 27.0.5 (Android & iOS)
No update from the store is required!
  • Be goal oriented! Completing all your daily goals now provides a morale bonus that lasts 24 hours.
  • Defeating NPC camps, armies, and cities now awards more Combat Merits. This doesn’t apply to Bedrock, Farmington, or Woodside cities.
  • Defeating NPC cities can now pay out gold Noble Tokens. This doesn’t apply to Bedrock, Farmington, or Woodside cities.
  • Morale calculations for defenders now use the maximum level of all players on the attacking side. Morale calculations for attackers remain the same.
  • As part of our effort to continue optimizing combat, the current limit on the number of reinforcing armies in a single battle has been raised from 50 to 75 per side.
Noble Breeding
  • Reduced the chance of breeding a Runt from any quality Noble couple.
  • Reduced the chance of breeding offspring that are two or more quality levels worse than their parents.
  • Increased the chance of breeding offspring of the same quality or better for all Noble couples of Impressive quality or higher.