Release Date: 5/27/2022
App Version: 27.0.2 (Android & iOS)
Please make sure you download the new version from the Store!
Chat filter:
- This feature was disabled a few days after our original 27.0.1 release due to the need for improvements
- This release contained some fine-tuning but the filter has not been activated again just yet (please stay tuned for more news)
Bug fixes:
- Claim button fails to disappear after claiming event rewards
- Packs now contain protected resources again
- Already collected prizes appear as blanks to the user
- Missing translations in certain languages
- Army tab was blank (no armies or create button)
- Game crash when tapping on "Married" trait
- Missing artwork from our store's special section
- Incorrect amount of gold displayed in the "not enough gold" purchase pop-up while building/upgrading in your city
- Missing shadows from certain 3D objects
- Duplicate events appear when moving to a different shard
- A few more bug fixes (less impactful) and server side improvements